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Gimmicks vs Concepts

As a student of photography, one becomes easily enamored by the many techniques and creative advancements available in the digital era. Whether it be high dynamic range photography (HDR), light painting, star trails, compositing, etc…, there are numerous step-by-step tutorials that can be found within a few strokes of the keyboard and a quick internet […]

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6 Quick Photo Tripping Tips

No matter where your skill level as a photographer might sit, I would encourage you to make sure and schedule a handful of photo trips a year. Now, these trips do not have to be a 6 month tour of the Natural Wonders of the World or a laborious grueling hike of the Appalachian Trail. […]

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Mistakes and Mishaps

So, I have been on a bit of an introspective kick lately. I don’t know if its the time of year, the point in my life, or just my allergies, but I find myself doing a lot of reflecting of late. I am not sure if anyone can really learn enough about themselves or where […]

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Make it So!

All of us photo enthusiasts are great at getting out and taking photos, But are we exercising just to maintain status quo or training for a triathlon? What I mean by this, is are we just out snapping the shutter at will, numerous times, hoping we get a great capture, or are we planning a […]

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Finding Vision and Style

Seems like we have neglected the blog in recent months as life has absorbed most of our energy and time, however, in a reinvigorated effort we are going to get this ship righted and be a bit more consistent with content. I find myself lately wondering what it is that makes a photo great. Why […]

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